Chemical Equation Expert 2.132 |
Chemical Equation Expert is an integrated tool for chemistry professionals
Publisher: |
Educationsoft |
Downloads: |
4523 |
Software Type: |
Freeware, 0.00 |
File Size: |
3.20M |
OS: |
Windows All |
Update Date: |
15 September, 2012 |
Chemical Equation Expert is an integrated tool for chemistry professionals and students. You'll find complicated work such as balancing chemical equations and related calculations so easy and even enjoyable! Key Feafures -1. An intelligent balancer Chemical Equation Expert balances chemical equations rapidly and accurately. An equation as complicated as: H2+18Ca(CN)2+6NaAlF4+12FeSO4+6MgSiO3+6KI +2H3PO4+12PbCrO4+24BrCl+6CF2Cl2+24SO2 = 12PbBr2+12CrCl3+6MgCO3+6KAl(OH)4+12Fe(SCN)3+ 2PI3+6NaSiO3+18CaF2+110H2O can be balanced in seconds! So, balancing chemical equations will not be your nightmare but a piece of cake from now on. 2. A professional tool to biuld your own chemical equation database Chemical Equation Expert has a build-in equation search engine which lets you find a certain equation by specifying its reactants or products. You can enhance the engine by adding new equations to the library. So it's also a good tool to record and organize your chemical equations.3. A high performance calculator Chemical Equation Expert calculates the mass mole of the compounds of a elected equation. Uses the Stoico-metric coefficients, reaction consumption to calculate the lmounts/masses of compounds. To finish all these complicated calculations, you just need a few clicks!