Ultimate Excel Stock Quotes Downloader 2.2 |
Ultimate Excel Stock Quotes Downloader, free daily, historical, & dividends
The free Ultimate Excel Stock Quotes Downloader (USD) provides intraday and end-of-day daily, historical, and dividend prices, using the Yahoo! and Tiingo.com APIs. Key features:: - Download up to nine customizable daily intraday data items. - Optionally save historical data when downloading new prices, without overwriting the old data. - Download dividend prices using an overall range for all tickers and/or custom dates for each. - Download the full range of dividend prices or only the last two periods, to avoid retrieving the full range every time dividends are updated. - Obtain dividend prices through today (or yesterdays close) without continually having to update the To date. - Use conveniently placed extra columns for custom calculations. Screenshots, features, and instructions are available on the www.ultimatestockdownloader.com website. If you've tried other stock quote downloaders and been disappointed, the Ultimate Excel Stock Quotes Downloader is for you!