Access millions of royalty-free stock photos and stock footage.
Publisher: |
Shutterstock, Inc. |
Downloads: |
1 |
Software Type: |
Freeware, 0.00 |
File Size: |
3.53M |
OS: |
Windows All |
Update Date: |
10 April, 2014 |
Creative professionals worldwide depend on Shutterstock for an outstanding selection of royalty free stock photos and videos. This service provides access to more than 33 million images and 1,3 million video clips. Shutterstock's Affiliate API mini lets website owners display images on their sites dynamically and contextually. By referring creative customers to Shutterstock using the API mini, site owners can monetize their traffic and improve the appearance of their sites with minimal additional effort. After installing the Shutterstock API mini on a website, images or video clips will be automatically chosen from the huge archive of stock images and stock footage. The content displayed is based on the contents of the webpage. Additionally, the owner of the website will earn 20% on purchases referred using the API mini images and videos. The API mini size is fully customizable, with sizes ranging from 90 to 1,200 pixels. Find out more at or and create your own API mini.