Precision Competitions 2010.4 |
Collection of printable templates, related to sports and competitions
The ultimate collection of high quality printable materials, related to sports and competitions. You can choose a variety of templates for organizing your tournaments, leagues, trainings and other events. Templates are provided in many formats (Adobe PDF, OpenOffice Draw, SVG, MS PowerPoint, ...) and in many paper sizes and layouts (A3, A4, Portrait, Landscape, ...). What's so special about this collection? - Templates are designed in the highest quality - Templates are delivered in various formats - Templates are made with respect to the paper size and layout - We keep in mind the specifics of individual sports - Collection contains the sets of templates for a complete tournaments organization - We also offer a scheduling systems, presentation lists and other related documents - A handy catalog is available for searching and previewing - Also the collection is so special due to its wide range of templates