Programmable file converter. Copy, delete, change, extract, reformat data.
Publisher: |
Pyroto, Inc. |
Downloads: |
4848 |
Software Type: |
Freeware, 0.00 |
File Size: |
21.27M |
OS: |
Windows All |
Update Date: |
19 October, 2010 |
Is your file in the wrong format? Don't rekey or delete it - fix it! You can reformat your valuable data with the Parse-O-Matic Power Tool - a programmable file converter. Sample applications: Edit a text file automatically. Copy good data; repair or remove bad data. Restructure a print file. Migrate from a legacy system. Export a comma-separated file for import to a database (e.g. Access, SQL Server, FileMaker, Oracle, ODBC) or spreadsheet tables (Excel, Calc, Quattro). Select and parse first and last name, street address, city, phone number from a mailing list. Change characters to uppercase, lowercase or mixed case. Calculate totals up to 18 digits long. Thinking about data warehousing? You can split or reorganize files per your specification (regular expressions supported), or mine printed reports for essential information. Working with large files? You can convert, filter and transform files of any size. Input formats: read, extract, analyze and reorganize data fields from flat files such as: text (ASCII from Windows, Unix/Linux or Mac, EBCDIC from a mainframe, plus log files from web servers, process control devices and scientific instruments); binary ("hex"); fixed length and variable length records; tab/null/comma-delimited (CSV); Windows clipboard. Output in almost any record or file format, including HTML and XML. Includes sample scripts and printable help. Runs from the standard interface (with built-in file browser), or via a batch file, the command line, a shortcut, or from a task scheduler for unattended operation. Free for basic conversion functions (more than 30 commands); Add'l cost for advanced features.