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Title Company Version Size OS Date Downloads
Oracle to NonStop Express Ispirer SQLWays 6.0 Migr Ispirer Systems 6.0 43.48M Windows All 04/15/2014 1
Oracle to SAP HANA Express Ispirer SQLWays 6.0 Mig Ispirer Systems 6.0 43.48M Windows All 04/15/2014 1
MS SQL Server to Oracle Express Ispirer SQLWays 6. Ispirer Systems 6.0 43.48M Windows All 04/15/2014 1
MS SQL Server to DB2 Express Ispirer SQLWays 6.0 M Ispirer Systems 6.0 43.48M Windows All 04/15/2014 1
Oracle to Sybase ASE Express Ispirer SQLWays 6.0 M Ispirer Systems 6.0 43.48M Windows All 04/14/2014 1
EMS SQL Manager for SQL Server EMS Database Management Solutions, Inc 3.9 67.49M Windows All 04/12/2014 371
Oracle to Greenplum Express Ispirer SQLWays 6.0 Mi Ispirer Systems 6.0 43.48M Windows All 04/12/2014 1
Oracle to DB2 z/OS Express Ispirer SQLWays 6.0 Mig Ispirer Systems 6.0 43.48M Windows All 04/12/2014 1
Oracle to DB2 AS/400 Express Ispirer SQLWays 6.0 M Ispirer Systems 6.0 43.48M Windows All 04/12/2014 1
Oracle to DB2 iSeries Express Ispirer SQLWays 6.0 Ispirer Systems 6.0 43.48M Windows All 04/12/2014 1
Oracle to Teradata Express Ispirer SQLWays 6.0 Mig Ispirer Systems 6.0 43.48M Windows All 04/12/2014 1
DBBlobEditor Withdata Software 5.4 4.82M Windows All 04/11/2014 4521
WowBase SoftConstructors 1.56 1.58M Windows All 04/11/2014 1
TablePro SoftConstructors 3.74 1.48M Windows All 04/11/2014 1
Oracle to MS SQL Server Express Ispirer SQLWays 6. Ispirer Systems 6.0 43.48M Windows All 04/11/2014 1
Oracle to DB2 Express Ispirer SQLWays 6.0 Migratio Ispirer Systems 6.0 43.48M Windows All 04/11/2014 1
Oracle to DB2 OS/390 Express Ispirer SQLWays 6.0 M Ispirer Systems 6.0 43.48M Windows All 04/11/2014 1
EMS SQL Manager for PostgreSQL EMS Software Development, LLC 5.4 74.12M Windows All 04/10/2014 4270
MS SQL Server to DB2 iSeries Express Ispirer SQLWa Ispirer Systems 6.0 43.48M Windows All 04/09/2014 1
Hotel Booking and Billing Software Teknix India 2.0.7 13.45M Windows All 03/21/2014 1