Free Tamil Astrology Software. Also available in various other languages.
Professional Free Tamil Astrology Software of Astro-Vision has now added the feature 'Free Horoscope Matching'. This software suited for Astrologers &Astrology students lets you generate free horoscope reports in your preferred regional chart style – Tamil Nadu, South Indian, North Indian etc. The Free Tamil Astrology Software also has a large database of cities across the globe. You can add more city details too. Various ayanamsam options - Raman ayanamsam, Lahiri ayanamsam or Chitra Paksha ayanamsam, Thirukanitham ayanamsam and Krishnamurthy ayanamsam are included. Panchangam predictions, detailed Bhava predictions based on the influence of planets are also presented. This Free Tamil Astrology Software analyses the 1st house and makes predictions on personality, physical structure and status. The entire charts, calculations and analysis are based on Vedic Astrology. The Free Tamil Astrology Software includes details of Dasa and Bhukti (Apaharam) with details of the arambham &anthyam for each Bhukti (Apaharam) within each Dasa. It also gives a brief report on the effect of the current Dasa &Apaharam. Free Tamil Astrology Software calculates birth star and provides the associated star characteristics. Bhava chart and Sudarsana chakra chart are included; dasa &dasa balance at birth is presented with the rasi chart. Yogas – various combinations and its effects, a brief summary of Vimshottari Dasa Periods etc. are also presented. Download &start using Free Tamil Astrology Software!