Commentary on Revelation by EW Bullinger 1.0 |
Free book module for the SwordSearcher Program
E. W. Buillinger, the author of the Companion Bible, also wrote this one-volume commentary on the Book of Revelation. This is a free book module installation for SwordSearcher Bible Study Software. Excerpt: THE FIVE-FOLD DIVISION OF THE BIBLE. The whole Bible is divided into five great divisions, each determined by its subject-matter. 1. The Old Testament has for its subject the King and his coming Kingdom, in promise and prophecy. 2. The Four Gospels the Kingdom offered and rejected. The King crucified by Israel in the Land. 3. The Acts and earlier Pauline Epistles; the King and Kingdom re-offered (iii. 19-21); and rejected, by the Dispersion in Rome (Ac 28:25-26). 4. The Later Pauline Epistles. The Kingdom in abeyance. The King made Head over all things to the Church. 5. The Apocalypse. The Kingdom set up with Divine judgment, in Power-Glory. The King enthroned.