Artensoft Tilt Shift Generator 1.0 |
Emulate the tilt shift generator effect in post processing
Simulate the tiltshift effect in the post. With Tilt Shift Generator it's very simple to simulate images taken with an expensive tilt-shift lens. Re-create the appearance of a macro-scale model on your PC! Tilt Shift Generator convincingly reproduces the tilt-shift effect in the post, adding characteristic razor-thin depth of field and pseudo-macro look. You won't need anything but your PC to create pictures with stunning selective focus effects! The tilt-shift effect is used to create pictures with razor-thin depth of field, producing an interesting miniature effect. When looking at a photo captured with a tilt-shift lens or produced with Tilt-Shift Generator, you'll believe it's been taken at a macro distance. But it's not a macro - and once you start noticing all the tiny details, your brain goes WOW! Tilt Shift Generator will convincingly re-create the look produced by modern tilt-shift lenses without making you invest in tilt-shift glass. Tilt Shift Generator produces natural-looking miniatures at a fraction of the price of a real tilt-shift lens. It's much handier to use than a real tilt-shift lens, too. Modern tilt-shift lenses are manual focus, fix focal length, stop-down metering and manual aperture control lenses, which are dedicated to a single purpose and insanely pricey. Tilt Shift Generator can turn any picture shot with any lens by any camera into a stunning miniature in just moments, giving you more creative control than any tilt-shift lens in existence. With multiple controls and adjustments, you can create faux miniatures and pseudo-macro images you won't be able to tell aren't real. Compare the price of TiltShift Generator to the price of a limited-use tilt-shift lens, and you really have a great deal!